Dark, leafy greens
Dark, leafy greens are high in micronutrients like magnesium, which is essential for maintaining optimum testosterone levels, especially in older men. Magnesium is known to promote testosterone bioactivity in the body because it lessens oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is caused by an imbalance in the body's antioxidant defenses and free radicals. Because oxidative stress and inflammation can lower testosterone levels, adding anti-oxidant foods may help maintain healthy testosterone levels.
Older research of 399 males aged 65 and up discovered that individuals with greater amounts of magnesium in their blood had higher testosterone levels than those with lower magnesium levels. In addition, a study of Taiwanese males discovered that a lack of leafy green vegetables was associated with reduced testosterone levels. As a result, consuming more magnesium-rich vegetables like spinach, kale, and collard greens may aid in the promotion of healthy testosterone levels.