Defrosting in the microwave

When it comes to thawing frozen food, many of you rely on your microwave's defrost function. However, it is not always the best or healthiest option. Using the defrost option in the microwave not only does not always fully cook your food, but it can also ruin the taste of what you are attempting to thaw. You want your food to thaw evenly, but doing so this way can have the opposite effect.

Food may begin to thaw along the edges, but the center may take much longer. When it comes to thawing frozen meats, this can be tricky. If you plan to thaw meat using the defrost button, make sure to cook it immediately after it has thawed. This will help ensure that no bacteria grow in the food, which can cause food-borne illness and make you sick.

Defrosting in the microwave
Defrosting in the microwave
Defrosting in the microwave
Defrosting in the microwave

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