Foods aren't properly stored and have freezer burn

You're craving some ice cream, but when you open the freezer door, you notice it's now covered in freezer burn. What a total mood killer. Nobody wants to take frozen food out of the freezer and find icy crystals on it. When you store your food correctly, you can help prevent this, ensuring that your ice cream, vegetables, or whatever else is present remains at its best for consumption.

According to Whirlpool, freezer burn occurs when cold, dry air strikes frozen foods, which typically occurs when they are not packaged and stored correctly or are left in the freezer for an extended period of time. If your ice cream has freezer burn, it could be because the top was not securely fastened to the carton. Always double-check that everything is properly sealed before putting it in the freezer.

Foods aren't properly stored and have freezer burn
Foods aren't properly stored and have freezer burn
Foods aren't properly stored and have freezer burn
Foods aren't properly stored and have freezer burn

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