Not blanching frozen berries

There are numerous reasons to freeze berries. Perhaps you want to keep your berries fresh for a healthy smoothie recipe, or you want to make sure you have them on hand once they're out of season. Berries can be frozen in either case. Simply freeze them in a single layer before placing them in a freezer bag.

When you're ready to use your frozen berries in a recipe, don't forget to blanch them first. According to WTOP News, immersing frozen berries in boiling water for a few minutes before allowing them to cool can help prevent food-borne illness while retaining the juicy, sweet, and tart flavors. This method is also necessary when freezing corn and tomatoes. Place both in a boiling water bath, then in an ice bath before putting them in the freezer.

Not blanching frozen berries
Not blanching frozen berries
Not blanching frozen berries
Not blanching frozen berries

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