Leaving food out on the counter at room temperature

When many of you take food out of the freezer to thaw, you may think it's a good idea to put it on the counter. Yes, there appears to be some logic to it. Allowing it to thaw at room temperature, on the other hand, is simple and convenient because you simply let it do its thing without exerting too much effort. This is an ideal thawing method for anyone with a hectic work schedule who wants to thaw something while doing something else or leaving the house for a few hours.

However, according to the USDA, thawing frozen perishable food in this manner is not the best option and should never be left out on the counter for more than two hours. Once food enters the "danger zone" (a temperature range of 40-140 degrees Fahrenheit), bacteria can begin to grow, making it unsafe to eat. Thawing frozen foods in the refrigerator or in ice water is always preferable.

Leaving food out on the counter at room temperature
Leaving food out on the counter at room temperature
Leaving food out on the counter at room temperature
Leaving food out on the counter at room temperature

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