Freezing the wrong foods

Freezers are impressive pieces of equipment. Freezers can store meats, fresh pasta, and a variety of other items in addition to your favorite ice cream. While it's tempting to stock your freezer with anything and everything you don't intend to eat right away, some foods don't belong there. One of the most common mistakes with frozen food is putting the wrong items in the freezer.

According to Mashed, anything containing cornstarch, such as gravy, should not be frozen because it thaws out with a spongy texture rather than a smooth and creamy one. If you try to freeze eggs directly in their shells, they will crack, and frozen hardboiled eggs will come out rubbery when thawed. Milk and sour cream should never be frozen because the texture will become grainy once thawed.

Freezing the wrong foods
Freezing the wrong foods
Freezing the wrong foods
Freezing the wrong foods

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