Frozen foods aren't cooked thoroughly

You're probably aware that frozen foods take a little longer to cook than fresh foods. However, you may be unaware of how important thoroughly cooking your frozen foods is for your health. According to Urban Citizen, frozen foods should be treated similarly to raw foods in terms of cooking preparation because both can carry bacteria and, if not fully cooked, can be extremely harmful to your health.

To avoid food-borne illnesses while cooking frozen (or raw) foods, make sure they are thoroughly cooked. This means that chicken and all ground meats, including beef and lamb, should be cooked at 165°F, whereas steak and pork can be cooked at 145°F. When it comes to cooking foods properly, make sure your frozen meats (or any other items in the freezer) haven't been recalled so you're not cooking anything you shouldn't be eating.

Frozen foods aren't cooked thoroughly
Frozen foods aren't cooked thoroughly
Frozen foods aren't cooked thoroughly
Frozen foods aren't cooked thoroughly

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