
One of the healthiest things you can consume is eggs. Thankfully, children adore them as well. Choline, vitamin B12, protein, selenium, and other elements that are essential for brain growth and cognitive function are abundant in eggs. The growth of the brain is particularly dependent on vitamin choline. Adding choline to a child's diet within the first 1,000 days of life may actually assist brain growth, protect against nerve cell damage, and enhance cognitive performance, according to a 2020 analysis of 54 research.
Furthermore, studies show that dietary patterns high in eggs and other nutritious foods, like legumes and fruit, are linked to lower IQ scores than dietary patterns high in sugary foods, such as cookies, and sweets. Choline demands for children and teenagers aged 9 to 13 are more than 75% met by two whole eggs, which have 294 grams of choline in total.