Iron-rich foods

Around the world, iron deficiency is widespread, and children are especially susceptible. Children's academic performance and cognitive development may suffer from low iron status. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and iron insufficiency have both been linked (ADHD). The most vulnerable age group for iron deficiency is thought to be children under the age of 7. Make sure iron-rich foods are part of your child's diet to help avoid iron deficiency. Red meat, chicken, shellfish, beans, and spinach are a few of these.

Remember that heme iron, which is present in animal foods, is better absorbed by the body than non-heme iron, which is present in plant-based meals. The optimum diet for your child should include a variety of heme and non-heme iron sources. Non-heme iron-rich meals may benefit from the addition of vitamin C sources to increase absorption. Lemon juice, for instance, might be added to a spinach salad.

Iron-rich foods
Iron-rich foods
Iron-rich foods
Iron-rich foods

Top 9 Best Brain Foods for Kids

  1. top 1 Eggs
  2. top 2 Berries
  3. top 3 Seafood
  4. top 4 Green leafy vegetables
  5. top 5 Cocoa
  6. top 6 Oranges
  7. top 7 Yogurt
  8. top 8 Iron-rich foods
  9. top 9 Nuts and seeds

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