
Due to their sweet flavor, oranges are a popular citrus fruit and a kid's favorite. Your child's general health, including their cognitive health, may be enhanced by having oranges in their diet. Hesperidin and narirutin are only two of the many flavonoids found in oranges. Orange juice is really one of the most popular foods that contain flavonoids. Consuming foods and drinks high in flavonoids, such as oranges and orange juice, may assist increase blood flow to the brain and nerve activity, which may improve cognitive performance.
Vitamin C, a substance that is vital for the functioning of the brain, is also abundant in oranges. Vitamin C is essential for healthy brain growth, the generation of neurotransmitters, and other processes. Compared to adults with vitamin C insufficiency, studies show that individuals with adequate blood levels of vitamin C perform better on tasks requiring focus, working memory, attention, recall, decision speed, and recognition.