Family Guy
Family Guy is a Fox Broadcasting Company adult animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane and developed by MacFarlane and David Zuckerman that premiered on January 31, 1999. Fuzzy Door Productions is in charge of the show's production. The Griffins, a family consisting of parents Peter and Lois, their children Meg, Chris, and Stewie, and their anthropomorphic pet dog Brian, are the center of the series. The show takes place in the fictional city of Quahog, Rhode Island, and most of the humor is conveyed through metafictional cutaway jokes that frequently mock American culture.
Family Guy has received a lot of praise since its launch. The show has been nominated for 12 Primetime Emmy Awards and 11 Annie Awards. It was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series in 2009, the first animated series to get the honor since The Flintstones in 1961. Family Guy was named the eighth Greatest TV Cartoon of All Time by TV Guide in 2013
Detailed Information:
Actors: Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis
Premiered: January 31, 1999
No. of seasons: 20
No. of episodes: 380