Futurama is an animated science-fiction comedy that ran on Fox from March 28, 1999, to August 10, 2003, then on Comedy Central from March 23, 2008, to September 4, 2013. It was developed by Matt Groening. The sitcom follows the exploits of Philip J. Fry, a professional slacker who is cryogenically stored for 1000 years and then revived in the 31st century. Fry finds work with the one-eyed Leela and the robot Bender at an intergalactic transportation firm. Groening conceived the series while working on The Simpsons in the mid-1990s, and recruited David X. Cohen to help him build plots and characters in order to present the show to Fox.
Futurama received critical praise throughout its run, earning 17 Annie Awards (seven of which were won) and 12 Emmy Awards (six of which were won). It received four Writers Guild of America Award nominations, with the episodes "Goodfellas" and "The Prisoner of Benda" winning. The episodes "The Problem with Popplers" and "The Futurama Holiday Spectacular" was nominated for a Nebula Award and won Environmental Media Awards.
Detailed Information:
Actors: Billy West, John DiMaggio, Katey Sagal
Premiered: March 28, 1999
No. of seasons: 7
No. of episodes: 140