Help Combat Skin Aging

It is natural for people's skin to wrinkle and become looser as they age. Skin aging occurs in two stages: internal aging and outward aging. External aging occurs when external elements harm the skin and accelerate the aging process. For example, UV radiation from the sun can cause skin irritation over time. Internal aging is often referred to as natural aging. It is triggered by a range of variables within your body, including free radicals and specific enzymes.
Elastase and collagenase enzymes may disrupt the skin's fiber network, which generally keeps it tight and firm. White tea has chemicals that may help prevent your skin from both internal and exterior aging. In one study, researchers observed that putting white tea extract on the skin helped protect against the sun's UV radiation. Many studies have discovered that polyphenols included in white tea can decrease many cellular components that may harm the fiber network that keeps the skin tight and firm.