Iced Shaken Espresso

There's a lot to say about how a drink is produced, and Starbucks' iced shaken espresso is no exception. The shaking technique, according to Starbucks, is inspired by mixology - perhaps baristas wanted to gain a sense of what bartenders perform on a daily basis.

The drink is now available in three forms, the most basic of which includes ice, milk, brewed espresso, and traditional syrup. The other two options are produced with almond or oat milk and flavored with chocolate malt powder or brown sugar syrup. The basic version is the easiest to alter because you can replace the milk with unsweetened almond milk or heavy cream. You can request no classic syrup and substitute it with your preferred sweetener, or add extra flavor with sugar-free vanilla or cinnamon dolce syrup.

Via: Starbucks
Via: Starbucks
Via: Shutterstock
Via: Shutterstock

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