Low-Carb Cappuccino

Although following a keto diet requires some creativity, you won't have to give up your daily Starbucks cappuccino. However, certified dietitian Amy Kubal tells Well+Good that dairy milk contains carbohydrates in the form of lactose, so it'll need a makeover. Because a cappuccino is an espresso with a lot of milk foam on top, you'll want to replace the dairy with something else.

Unsweetened almond, soy, or coconut milk are all good low-carb alternatives to the traditional. According to Kubal, each cup contains around 1 gram of carbs, which is a significant reduction from the 12 grams in a cup of whole milk. You'll definitely want to skip alternatives like oat and rice milk which are not keto-friendly options. If you can't fathom coffee without its customary dairy accompaniment, use half or better yet, heavy cream, which is higher in fat and lower in carbohydrates (via KetoConnect).

Via: Starbucks
Via: Starbucks
Via: Grub Street
Via: Grub Street

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