Inside Mari
Shuzo Oshimi's manga series "Inside Mari" was written and illustrated by him. The plot revolves around Isao Komori, a college student who becomes obsessed with Mari Yoshizaki, a high school girl whom he sees as the embodiment of pure and innocent femininity. Isao wakes up inside Mari's body one day and finds himself living life as a girl. As he adjusts to his new body and the challenges it brings, he begins to understand Mari's struggles and insecurities, and he develops empathy for her.
As the story progresses, Isao learns more about Mari's life and relationships with others, and he starts to see her in a different light. He also begins to question his own identity and desires, and he debates whether he truly wants to return to his own body or remain in Mari's body indefinitely. "Inside Mari" is a psychological drama about identity, gender, and sexuality. It has received accolades for its complex characters, thought-provoking plot, and emotional depth.
Author: Shūzō Oshimi
Original run: March 6, 2012 – September 6, 2016
Volumes: 9
Status: Completed
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