Prunus Girl
Tomoki Matsumoto is the author and illustrator of the "Prunus Girl" manga series. The plot revolves around Maki, a high school student who is mistaken for a girl due to his feminine appearance. He meets Aikawa, a beautiful and mysterious girl who takes an interest in him and becomes his friend one day. As the plot progresses, it is revealed that Aikawa is a boy who enjoys cross-dressing and prefers to be addressed as "Aikawa-kun" rather than "Aikawa-san." Despite this, Maki remains friends with Aikawa and eventually develops feelings for him.
Throughout the series, the characters deal with their feelings for one another as well as the difficulties that come with their unconventional relationship. The plot delves into themes such as gender identity, sexuality, and self-acceptance. "Prunus Girl" is a romantic comedy with a fresh take on the gender-bending genre. It has gained a following among genre fans thanks to its well-developed characters and engaging storyline. It should be noted, however, that the series contains some mature themes and content, so it may not be appropriate for all audiences.
Author: Tomoki Matsumo
Original run: 22 April 2009 – 22 April 2013
Volumes: 6
Status: Completed
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