Master is a South Korean action crime film directed by Cho Ui-seok. Cho Ui-seok and Kim Hyun-duk collaborated on the script. The plot revolves around a manhunt launched by South Korea's financial crime unit for a conman after he flees with the money and assumes a new identity, prompting a cop to team up with the conman's mastermind partner in order to crack the case involving a nationwide financial fraud, which leads to the Southeast Asian haven for scam artists, thieves, and criminals: Metro Manila. The film was released in theaters in South Korea on December 21, 2016, and it received over 7 million admissions nationwide. It grossed more than $48 million at the South Korean box office after being released on 1,501 screens.
Master, a film that has a strong domestic and international influence due to its dramatic and compelling plot and the flawless acting of the talented trio Lee Byung Hun, Kang Dong Won, and Kim Woo Bin. Lee Byung-hun plays President Jin, a con artist in the One Network fraud case, in this film. Lee Byung-hun also won Best Actor at the 53rd Baeksang Arts Awards.
Detailed information:
Directed by: Cho Ui-seok
Starring: Lee Byung-hun, Gang Dong-won, Kim Woo-bin
Release date: December 21, 2016
Running time: 143 minutes