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Operations and Supply Chain Management

F. Robert Jacobs is an Emeritus Professor of Operations and Decision Technologies at Indiana University's Kelly School of Business. Professor Jacobs wrote three McGraw-Hill textbooks: Operations and Supply Chain Management, Operations and Supply Chain Management-The Core, and Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management. He is a former president of the Decision Sciences Institute and a member of the APICS - The Association for Operations Management Board of Directors. He has received numerous honors for innovation and teaching excellence over the years.

Today's resourceful businesses must successfully manage the whole supply chain, from the firm's suppliers to the firm's value-added processes and on to the firm's customers. The fifteenth edition of Operations and Supply Chain Management covers both people management and the application of modern technology to operations and supply chain management. The book is one of the best books on supply chain management.

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Author: F. Robert Jacobs

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Best Sellers Rank: #77,270 in Books

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#420 in Decision-Making & Problem Solving

#495 in Business & Finance

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