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Supply Chain Network Design

Michael Watson is the current global leader for IBM ILOG Supply Chain Products. LogicNet Plus XE is a network design product among these. Sara Lewis is a global technical leader for IBM ILOG Supply Chain Products. Peter Cacioppi is the lead scientist for IBM's LogicNet Plus XE network design product. Jay Jayaraman is the current manager of IBM's ILOG Supply Chain and Optimization consulting services team.

Supply Chain Network Design is aimed at a critical and underserved supply chain market niche: strategic supply chain design. Almost all supply chain experts should be familiar with this discipline. There is currently no book that covers the theory and practice in such a way that readers will be successful with this discipline in the field.

The correct number, location, and scale of warehouses, facilities, and production lines are all part of strategic network design. It is about identifying your facilities' regions, what product should be manufactured where, and how product should move through the supply chain. It is about creating an accurate model of your supply chain so that you can make sound operational decisions.

To accomplish it correctly, analytics and optimization are required. And, when done correctly, organizations can lower supply chain expenses by 5-15 percent, resulting in tens of millions of dollars in savings for the firm. Supply Chain Network Design combines the authors' expertise completing hundreds of these projects, teaching this content, and understanding of the science that underpins these investigations.

The book is ideal for supply chain managers, analysts, and consultants who must conduct these studies, people who work for a company or organization that has a supply chain and want to better understand the design and strategy, and professors who want to bring practical and intellectually stimulating material to the classroom.

The purpose of this book is to help you comprehend this subject thoroughly. The authors tackle the themes with actual case examples, practical consideration debates, and a blend of science. This assists you in comprehending the material, comprehending how it applies to you, and developing your intuition.

Author: Michael Watson, Sara Lewis, Peter Cacioppi and Jay Jayaraman

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Ratings: 4.4 out of 5 stars (from 58 reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #639,482 in Kindle Store

#37 in Industrial Production Engineering

#91 in Industrial Production & Management

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