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Supply Chain Management For Dummies

Daniel Stanton is a business executive, lecturer, and entrepreneur who is passionate about supply chain innovation and project management. And his book, Supply Chain Management For Dummies, has been an Amazon Best Seller since its release.

Supply Chain Management For Dummies lets you draw the dots between purchasing, logistics, and operations to realize how seemingly isolated inefficiencies effect the larger picture. Your company is a system with numerous moving elements that must work together to suit the needs of your customers and shareholders as efficiently as possible. Interruptions in one area have a ripple effect throughout the entire operation, disturbing the meticulous coordination required for company success; this is where supply chain management (SCM) comes in. SCM means different things to different people, and there are numerous models available to satisfy the demands of various businesses. This book employs the widely applicable Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model to describe the fundamental processes and important concepts that keep firms functioning smoothly: Plan, Source, Make, Deliver, Return, and Enable.

Whether you work in sales, human resources, or product development, the decisions you make on a daily basis can have an impact on the supply chain. This book teaches you how to consider broader implications in your decision-making process based on your position in the system.

  • Improve processes by establishing metrics.
  • Select the suitable software and build necessary automation.
  • Risks should be assessed and mitigated at all stages of the supply chain.
  • Assist your company in operating as a system to better satisfy the needs of its customers.

We often think of the supply chain in terms of suppliers, logistics, and warehouses, but it encompasses so much more. Everyone in your organization, from the mailroom to the C-suite, has the ability to help or hinder the flow. Supply Chain Management For Dummies teaches you what you need to know to ensure that your effect has a positive impact.

Author: Daniel Stanton

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Ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars (from 375 reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #350,146 in Books

#11 in Engineering Management

#29 in Industrial Production & Management

#39 in Distribution & Warehouse Management (Books)

Toplist Joint Stock Company
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