Seattle Pride Parade
The first Seattle Pride Parade (a march of fewer than 200 participants) was held in 1974, but the city did not formally acknowledge it. The first "Gay Pride Week" was proclaimed by Seattle Mayor Wes Ulman only three years after the Parade received 2,000 spectators. Bisexual and transgender identities were added to the Seattle Pride celebrations in 1992. (LGBT). The Seattle Pride Parade, which draws an estimated 500,000 members of the LGBTQIA+ community, friends, and allies, is currently the fourth largest in the nation. The Parade offers the entire community a chance to honor the past, enjoy the present, and look to the future.
They've learned the importance of Pride parades and other events over the years. But they fall short. Year-round, they increase community engagement through year-round advocacy and allyship initiatives to support diversity and inclusivity.
In order to bring everyone together in the relentless pursuit of equal human rights for all, LGBTQIA+ people, allies, nonprofits, and corporations are all welcomed at Seattle Pride. They are aware of the difficulties the LGBTQIA+ community faces and are prepared to do whatever it takes to make that happen.
Details: June | Seattle, WA