Strawberries: Vitamin C per Cup - 89mg (108% DV)
Strawberry is one of the most powerful fruits in world cuisine! Jellies, jams, juices, ice creams, sweets, and even salty dishes and salads benefit from it. Aside from being diverse, the range of nutrients it contains is immense, as are the benefits it provides to the body.
Their vitamin and mineral content is inversely proportionate to their size when compared to other fruits! Vitamin C is one of the components of this sweet and sour "Berrie", which aids in healing, promotes circulation, and combats anemia by improving iron absorption Fresh strawberries supply 32 calories and about 59 milligrams of vitamin C, or 98% of the recommended amount, in a 3.5-ounce serving, or about five big berries. As a result, strawberries have slightly more vitamin C — and fewer calories — than oranges. A serving of 10 big strawberries weighs about the same as one huge orange. According to the USDA, a pint of fresh strawberries provides roughly 350% of the recommended intake for vitamin C.