The Lorax
The Lorax (also known as Dr. Seuss' The Lorax) is a musical fantasy comedy film directed by Chris Renaud that was released in 2012. Following the 1972 animated television special, Illumination Entertainment developed the film based on Dr. Seuss' children's book of the same name. It expands on the narrative of the Lorax and Ted, the previously unknown youngster who visits the Once-ler, in the novel.
Universal Pictures released the film on March 2, 2012, which would have been Dr. Seuss's 108th birthday. Critics praised the animation, musical soundtrack, and voice acting, but criticized the characters and marketing for abandoning the book's original meaning. On a $70 million budget, the film grossed $348.8 million worldwide.
Detailed Information:
Running time: 86 minutes
Actors: Taylor Swift, Zac Efron, Betty White, Danny DeVito, Nasim Pedrad
Released: 2012
Directed by: Kyle Balda, Chris Renaud