The Ruthless (2019)
The Ruthless is a 2019 Italian-French drama film directed by Renato De Maria and written by Renato De Maria and Valentina Strada. The film premiered in Italy on 8 April 2019, and was released on Netflix on 19 April 2019.
Santo Russo's (Riccardo Scamarcio) criminal career began at a young age. After being arrested as a youngster for a crime he did not commit, he progressively becomes embroiled in organized crime. As an adult, he commands a sophisticated crime group in Milan. Mariangela (Sara Serraiocco), a girl he has known since they were youngsters, marries him. He then begins his shady and brutal ascension to the top of the criminal world. Renato De Maria directs the film, which is based on a scenario written by Renato De Maria and Valentina Strada. The film also stars Alessio Pratic, Pietro Pace, and Marie-Ange Casta in addition to Scamarcio and Serraiocco.
Detailed information:
Release date: 04/08/2019 (Italy)
Director: Renato De Maria
Story by: Renato De Maria, Valentina Strada, Federico Gnesini
Link to watch: