Top 10 Best Foods to Eat When You Have Diarrhea

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People all have at least once or twice a year an episode of diarrhea, which goes away after a few days. Diarrhea occurs when the intestines become infected ... read more...

  1. Top 1


    This yellow fruit is also rich in fiber, which helps push stools and improves bowel movements. The pectin content of bananas absorbs excess fluid in the intestines, making stools harder and reducing the amount and duration of diarrhea. With its soft and easily digestible properties, bananas can soothe the stomach and settle it well gastrointestinal problems. In particular, the large content of kali in bananas works to provide effective electrolytes for people with diarrhea.

    The pectin fiber in bananas is a soluble fiber that can absorb excess fluid in the stomach during diarrhea. Another type of fiber, inulin, also found in bananas in large quantities is a probiotic, increasing beneficial bacteria and balancing the intestinal flora, helping you to have a healthy digestive system. Therefore, bananas are considered a good choice to control diarrhea symptoms by providing more antibiotics for the body.


  2. Top 2


    The amount of soluble fiber pectin in apples helps a lot for people with diarrhea and apples contain more pectin (the fiber found in fruit) than any other fruit. Pectin will be broken down in the intestines by good bacteria, forming a protective lining of the stomach, helping to soothe and prevent intestinal irritants. Besides, apples also contain natural sugar content to help replenish energy for the body during illness.

    This breakdown also increases prebiotics, which increases the number of “good” gut bacteria (which attack diarrhea-causing bacteria as soon as they appear). Cooked apples are easily digestible and help the body absorb the natural nutrients in them better. Taking 1-2 apples a day will significantly help you reduce the symptoms of diarrhea.

  3. Top 3


    Limiting the consumption of dairy products is always the most common advice from nutritionists for people who are suffering from diarrhea. However, yogurt is an exception. You should choose yogurts that contain live bacteria. These are probiotics and their presence will help restore the balance of bacteria in the gut.

    Yogurt creates favorable conditions for beneficial bacteria to grow, repelling disease-causing bacteria. In addition, yogurt contains many beneficial bacteria to help overcome uncomfortable symptoms in the stomach, regulate loose stools, and limit the symptoms of dysentery. You should eat a cup of yogurt every day in the evening or afternoon to ensure the greatest effect. The time when you should not eat yogurt is when you are hungry because that will lead to stimulation of the digestive system, causing nutrients in yogurt to be pushed out before being absorbed.

  4. Blueberries are a fruit that has many uses that you may not have thought of. Based on its astringent properties, consuming a few blueberries will reduce inflammation in the stomach and stick the cells inside the intestinal wall, limiting the secretion of mucus and fluids.

    The anthocyanins (iron) in blueberries have antioxidant functions and also eliminate active bacteria in the stomach. Blueberries are also a good source of soluble fiber, which eases the digestive process. In addition, you can make blueberry tea to drink. Making this tea is also simple, just crush the blueberries and boil them with two glasses of water for about 10 minutes. Once the cranberry juice has cooled down, strain the water and drink it throughout the day until the diarrhea symptoms subside.

  5. Flour foods (including bread) contain fibers that help relieve and prevent symptoms of diarrhea immediately. Toasted white bread can also slow down the digestion of the stomach, thereby preventing diarrhea, while soothing the stomach and providing carbohydrates for energy.

    Because of containing little fiber, these starchy foods are easy to digest, increase the GI (glycemic index of food), and also help provide energy for the body without forcing the digestive system must be overactive. When the intestines are working properly, you should eat more products made from whole grains. However, when you have diarrhea, you need refined foods such as white flour bread. The process of removing the rough outer shell of grains makes refined foods easier to digest. Moreover, the amount of salt present in bread will help restore the electrolyte balance in the body.

    Toasted White Bread
    Toasted White Bread
    Toasted White Bread
    Toasted White Bread
  6. Top 6


    Guava has many uses, especially in the treatment of a number of diseases. According to the results of some studies, the extract from parts of the guava plant has antibacterial and astringent properties and prevents loose bowel movements. Green guava has a high tannin content, so it has the effect of stopping diarrhea (used when it is easy to cause constipation). Green guava can also detoxify three beans and other toxins that cause diarrhea.

    According to scientists, daily consumption of a ripe guava amount of about 500g will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, lower blood cholesterol, and lower blood pressure (especially guava with lumpy skin and red intestine). Regular daily use of ripe guava about 500g will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition to treating diarrhea, guava is also good for people with diabetes. Scientists gave guava fruit juice to non-insulin-dependent diabetics, the results showed that this juice had a significant blood sugar-lowering effect.

  7. Top 7


    Carrot is a root vegetable that is used a lot in cooking because of its beautiful color and high nutritional value. This root can also be used to treat diarrhea effectively and simply because of a number of properties. In carrots, there is a large amount of pectin - an important substance that works in soothing bowel movements. When you have diarrhea, bowel movements contract more and more often, causing stools and bowel movements. When entering the intestine, pectin will swell and expand into a sticky, glue-like form that helps calm bowel movements, thereby limiting diarrhea.

    Pectin also acts as a magnet to attract mucus, water, gastric acid, bacteria, and toxins to help the mucosa return to normal and will reduce your diarrhea. Carrots can help inhibit harmful bacteria, and at the same time create a favorable environment for beneficial bacteria to grow in the intestinal tract to help balance the intestinal environment, and reduce diarrhea quickly. Carrots also contain starch, sugar, vitamins A, B6, K1, and potassium, which are all great to help replace electrolytes lost due to repeated diarrhea and help you recover faster.

    Carrot Soup
    Carrot Soup
  8. When diarrhea occurs, the body loses protein, nutrients, and water due to frequent defecation. Chicken is a great choice to repel diarrhea, and at the same time help supplement nutrients for the body to recover quickly. According to research, chicken is rich in nutrients such as protein, iron, zinc, and selenium… Adding chicken to the dishes will help patients recover quickly after having loose stools.

    However, you should also note that you should not make fried or fried chicken because using a lot of fat has a bad effect on the digestive system of the patient. You should prioritize dishes such as stewing, cooking porridge, ... all easy to eat deliciously and retain nutrients to the maximum. It would be better if you could alternate cooking with other highly nutritious meats in the meal to reduce the feeling of boredom.

  9. When you have diarrhea, the intestinal tract is damaged, so digestion is quite poor. If you continue to maintain the usual eating habits and eat a lot of dry and hard foods, it will make the intestinal lining more damaged, which leads to abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea will be more serious. Therefore, people with diarrhea are often encouraged to eat porridge during illness. In addition to minimizing the burden on the digestive tract, porridge also helps to replenish fluids, prevent dehydration and ensure adequate nutrition for the patient.

    To supplement nutrition, patients need to eat nutritious foods, processed in liquid form, soft and easy to digest, such as porridge: chicken porridge, lean pork cooked with carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, etc for easy to digest, absorb, and does not cause irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Porridge for people with diarrhea should cook slightly lighter than usual. You should not add too many spices to the porridge, especially pepper or chili, or add a lot of oil. These spices can stimulate peristalsis to contract harder and aggravate loose stools.

    Chicken Porridge
    Chicken Porridge
    Pumpkin Porridge
    Pumpkin Porridge
  10. Top 10


    Ginger is not the only spice in the culinary world, but it is also known as a good medicine in the treatment of many diseases because it reduces gas caused by fermentation of intestinal bacteria and avoids spasms stomach, and intestines. In oriental medicine, doctors often use ginger in remedies for digestive diseases, especially acute diarrhea. Pocketing the home remedies for diarrhea with ginger is what you should do.

    Gingerol and shogaol are compounds with analgesic and inflammatory activity in ginger. It provides enzymes that stimulate the release of gastric juice needed to digest food. It can then slow down bowel movements, allowing waste to move through the digestive system at a normal rate, which improves acute diarrhea (loose stools). Besides, a benefit of ginger that supports the healing process of diarrhea is that it promotes smooth digestion, reducing food stagnation. As a result, your body will be detoxified and the digestive system protected by killing certain types of germs that cause acute diarrhea.

    Poached Chicken with Scallion Ginger Sauce
    Poached Chicken with Scallion Ginger Sauce

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