This yellow fruit is also rich in fiber, which helps push stools and improves bowel movements. The pectin content of bananas absorbs excess fluid in the intestines, making stools harder and reducing the amount and duration of diarrhea. With its soft and easily digestible properties, bananas can soothe the stomach and settle it well gastrointestinal problems. In particular, the large content of kali in bananas works to provide effective electrolytes for people with diarrhea.
The pectin fiber in bananas is a soluble fiber that can absorb excess fluid in the stomach during diarrhea. Another type of fiber, inulin, also found in bananas in large quantities is a probiotic, increasing beneficial bacteria and balancing the intestinal flora, helping you to have a healthy digestive system. Therefore, bananas are considered a good choice to control diarrhea symptoms by providing more antibiotics for the body.