Are You OK?
"Are You Ok?" (also known as "You Yao") is a captivating Chinese anime series that aired from July 10, 2020, to September 18, 2020. The story unfolds in a nation seeking to revitalize itself by recruiting outsiders based on their talents to modernize and reshape their world. Enter Zuo Yunqi, the determined protagonist, who assumes a false identity as an outsider to secure a government position, all in a bid to save his father from peril.
However, his charade unravels when a skilled individual tasked with identifying genuine outsiders exposes him. What follows is a riotous journey filled with comedic escapades, leading to an unlikely alliance between Zuo Yunqi and his unmasker. Together, they uncover a startling conspiracy and realize that some of these outsiders are uniting to overthrow the ruling powers, envisioning a society built on peace and equality.
"Are You Ok?" delves into themes of deception, camaraderie, and societal change, offering viewers a rollercoaster of humor, intrigue, and the pursuit of a better world.
- Release date: July 10, 2020
- Developed by: Shengying Animation
- Number of episodes: 12
- Watch here: