Great Doctor Miss Nine

"Great Doctor Miss Nine" is a delightful Chinese animated series that graced screens in 2020, adapted from Xiao Xiang Dong Er's web novel of the same name. This enchanting story follows the journey of Jun Jiu, a brilliant doctor and research specialist who, after being drugged, finds herself transported back in time to the ancient era. Here, she assumes the role of the ninth princess of the Great Yan Kingdom, a notorious figure for her perceived ugliness and apparent uselessness. To further complicate matters, she crosses paths with the icy and haughty prince consort, Xiao Zhan, who, unbeknownst to her, is her betrothed.

"Great Doctor Miss Nine" masterfully combines historical romance with elements of comedy and fantasy. Viewers are treated to the heartwarming and amusing interactions between Jun Jiu and Xiao Zhan, as well as their adventures and trials in this ancient world. Themes of identity, loyalty, and justice are woven into the narrative, adding depth to the story.

  • Release date: June 14, 2022
  • Developed by: Soyep
  • Number of episodes: 60
  • Watch here:
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