It Starts with a Mountain
"It Starts with a Mountain" is a thrilling Chinese anime adaptation of the action-packed and comedic manhua "Kaiju Yi Zuo Shan." The story transports a cunning strategic leader into a war-torn dynasty, leaving him with a motley crew of members who had once contemplated abandoning him. In this turbulent era of conflict and upheaval, our protagonist's survival instincts kick in.
With a hot-blooded determination, he concocts audacious schemes, including commandeering food and charming the ladies to secure a life of opulence fit for a king. His fearless nature leads him into confrontations with legendary war heroes, often unleashing hilariously mischievous outcomes.
This donghua promises an electrifying blend of action, humor, and cunning as it explores the journey of a character unapologetically hot-blooded and utterly oblivious to his own antics. "It Starts with a Mountain" is a rollicking adventure that keeps viewers hooked with its wild escapades and unpredictable twists.
- Release date: April 15, 2022
- Developed by: Qiyuan Yinghua
- Number of episodes: 12
- Watch here: