Everlasting Immortal Firmament

"Everlasting Immortal Firmament," also known as "Wangu Xian Qiong," is a captivating Chinese anime adapted from the web novel of the same name. The series plunges viewers into a mesmerizing narrative, where the boundaries of time and worlds blur.

Our protagonist, Gu Hai, is plucked from the 21st century and thrust into an enigmatic realm. In this unfamiliar land, he swiftly establishes himself as a formidable figure in the realm of trade, masterminding strategies that pit the Chen Empire against the Song Empire.

However, his journey takes a celestial twist when a fairy from heaven becomes intrigued by him, entrusting him with a mission. This mission, though, harbors the potential to unleash turmoil and chaos upon this world. "Everlasting Immortal Firmament" weaves a tale of intrigue, ambition, and the consequences of meddling with fate, promising viewers a mesmerizing journey through realms both fantastical and perilous.

  • Release date: May 18, 2017
  • Developed by: iQIYI and Haoliners Animation League
  • Number of episodes: 12
  • Watch here: https://www.iq.com/album/van-co-tien-khung-2017-19rrh8i545
Video by ExRen闇 channel on Youtube
Video by Hax Talks channel on Youtube

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