Demon Spirit Seed Manual

"Yao Jing Zhong Zhi Shou Ce," also known as "Demon Spirit Seed Manual," is a captivating Chinese animated series, or donghua, adapted from a manga and brought to life by Big Firebird Culture. The story delves into the extraordinary journey of Yuan Ding, a dedicated otaku who unexpectedly finds himself transported to a mystical realm teeming with magic and demons.

Yuan Ding's path takes a surprising turn when he fails the entrance exam at Shuo Yue Academy. Undeterred, he embraces the role of a gardener, a profession that introduces him to the enigmatic concept of the fairy seed. With this newfound knowledge, Yuan Ding embarks on a life-altering quest to uncover the legendary fairies rumored to exist in this new world.

As the protagonist of his own narrative, Yuan Ding strives to collect these ethereal beings, determined to rewrite his destiny in this fantastical realm. "Demon Spirit Seed Manual" promises a blend of adventure, fantasy, and self-discovery as it explores the extraordinary potential hidden within an ordinary otaku.

  • Release date: January 17, 2020
  • Developed by: Tencent Penguin Pictures
  • Number of episodes: 14
  • Watch here:
Video by Donghuaa Trailers channel on Youtube
Video by anime library dub channel on Youtube

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