The Desolate Era
"The Desolate Era," a Chinese animated series crafted by B.CMAY PICTURES, unfolds over 19 gripping episodes, originally airing from April 4, 2015, to August 8, 2015. The narrative delves into the life of Ji Ning, who endured a life plagued by illness on Earth. However, death grants him a second chance, rebirthing him into a realm of immortals and monstrous beings, where he discovers the vastness of the universe exceeds his wildest dreams.
Determined never to be weak again, Ning embarks on a resolute journey, determined to transcend his limitations and leave an indelible mark on this desolate era. The series promises an exhilarating blend of fantasy, adventure, and self-discovery, inviting viewers to witness Ning's transformation from vulnerability to an unwavering pursuit of strength and purpose in a world teeming with mystique and danger.
- Release date: April 4, 2015
- Developed by: B.CMAY PICTURES
- Number of episodes: 19
- Watch here: