Carp Reborn

"Carp Reborn" is a mesmerizing Chinese anime that draws inspiration from Ren Yuan's novel of the same name. This captivating series takes viewers on an extraordinary journey, where reality and fantasy collide.

The story unfolds around Wang Sheng, a battle-hardened special forces soldier who finds himself inexplicably transported to a parallel world, his body inhabited by the soul of a seemingly insignificant waste carp named Yuan Long. In this mystic realm, Wang Sheng stumbles upon the art of cultivation and harnesses his acquired knowledge to elevate Yuan Long's innate abilities.

Produced by bilibili and Studio CG, "Carp Reborn" comprises 16 episodes, each lasting 18 minutes, making it a delightful binge-watch. The anime seamlessly blends elements of action, adventure, and fantasy, offering a unique and enthralling narrative that showcases the boundless potential of transformation and growth, even in the most unexpected of circumstances.

  • Release date: July 11, 2020
  • Developed by: bilibili and Studio CG
  • Number of episodes: 16
  • Watch here:
Video by Made By Bilibili channel on Youtube
Video by Made By Bilibili channel on Youtube

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