To Be Heroine
"To Be Heroine," also known as "Tu Bian Ying Xiong Leaf," is a Chinese anime that graced screens as an ONA (Original Net Animation) from April 14, 2018, to July 6, 2018. It serves as the thrilling sequel to its predecessor, "To Be Hero," continuing the tradition of mixing humor and action.
The story centers around the protagonist, Hua Yuye, a beloved voice actress, who suddenly finds herself whisked away to a fantastical realm facing imminent doom. Here, she must rise to the occasion as the savior of this magical world, joined by loyal friends and a mysterious figure named Zhang Chulan.
Across its 12 episodes, "To Be Heroine" takes viewers on an exhilarating journey through a world where Yuye's voice and valor become her most potent weapons. As she navigates this enchanting and perilous universe, the anime explores themes of heroism, friendship, and the power of inner strength in the face of adversity.
- Release date: April 14, 2018
- Developed by: LAN Studio
- Number of episodes: 12
- Watch here: