California Institute of Technology - Caltech

This very modest private university focuses mostly on engineering. The University is located on a 124-acre campus in Pasadena, California, near Los Angeles, and has around 2,200 students and 300 academic members. The University is divided into six academic divisions: Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Engineering and Applied Science, Physics, and Astronomy. The emphasis of the research is on physical science, for which it obtains the greatest funds and dedicates the most research space.

Caltech's claims to research fame include the fact that it was the university where physicist Richard Feynman did research into quantum computers and electrodynamics while also developing the notion of nanotechnology. The University also has close ties to Nasa and space research; Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory was established here in the 1940s, and the University now manages its operations.


California Institute of Technology
California Institute of Technology
California Institute of Technology
California Institute of Technology

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