University of Texas at Austin

Returning to the United States, there is a varied student body and staff, with 9 percent of students classified as foreign. Founded in 1883, the 350-acre main campus is home to 17 colleges and institutions, as well as 24,000 personnel and over 50,000 students.

The Cockrell School of Engineering at the university has over 7,700 students, 280 professors, 680 staff, and 13 undergraduate degree programs. The school has extensive ties to the oil and gas business, but it also has a strong research background in other fields of energy research, such as biomedical, information technology, and electronics. For example, in a recent experiment, this probe was designed to aid in the detection of cancer, and BP recently invested in a fracking research program at the institution.


University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas at Austin

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