Cigar City Brewing Company
Along with the cultural diversity and unique history of Tampa, Florida, Cigar City Brewing began crafting award-winning beers in 2009. Cigar City Brewing's beers make people remember those most typical of Florida, while taking cues from the cigar industry on which Tampa is built. Behind all Cigar City Brewing products is the philosophy that quality is achieved by delivering first-class ingredients to the first in a space where they are free to follow their passions.
At Cigar City Brewing, they brew their favorite beer and toast for those who choose to drink with them. They pride themselves on providing the finest quality beers hand-selected from the finest ingredients.
Gluten: Cigar City Brewing uses the best traditional and innovative ingredients in their beer. This requires all Cigar City Brewing beers to contain gluten and gluten-derived ingredients.
Vegan: Cigar City Brewing prides itself on not using animal-derived ingredients in their brewing process. No gelatin, isinglass, casein or albumen is used to make CCB beer.
Shelf Life: Cigar City Brewing is dedicated to serving and delivering beers of the highest possible quality, and with that, shelf life for all of their beers. All CCB cans have the "Packing Date" date printed on the bottom of the can, and all CCB bottles have the "Packing Date" date engraved on the shoulder of the bottle.
Address: 3924 W Spruce St., Tampa, FL 33607
Phone number: (813) 348-6363