Consider the carb content of restaurant meals

When starting a low-carb diet or after deciding to reduce your carb intake, eating out might be challenging. You will often receive starch on the side, such as potatoes, rice, pasta, or bread, even if you order meat or fish without breading or gravy.
Depending on the serving size, which is frequently large, these starches can add 30 or more grams of carbohydrates to your meal. When ordering a meal at a restaurant, be mindful of portion sizes, and think about getting a side salad to up your intake of fiber to make you feel satisfied more quickly. Focus on foods high in protein will help you feel full and have numerous other health benefits. Foods high in protein also contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Some good sources of protein include eggs; nuts and seeds; legumes, beans, and lentils; lean meats, such as fish and chicken;...