
The avant-garde style of the Arena Stadium sticks out among the old historic structures of Cluj. The cutting-edge culinary restaurant Fragment developed its sculptural identity out of a need to maximize space. The natural calm ambiance is enhanced by the huge windows, vegetable wall, and wooden block painting.
On the same leisurely tone, the kitchen implemented the slow cooking approach, which enhances flavor and tenderizes texture. Slow cooking, while already an international fad, is new to this town and is gaining popularity.
Some dishes, such as the well-liked Varlax, might take up to 48 hours to prepare. Chef Andrei Chelaru combines Romanian cuisine and local ingredients with his international knowledge to create a delectable symphony of innovative flavors.
Google Ratings: 4.4/5.0 ; 227 reviews
Address:Cluj Arena, Splaiul Independenței 400376 Cluj-Napoca, România