Grand Blue
"Grand Blue" is a slice-of-life seinen manga series written and illustrated by Kenji Inoue and Kimitake Yoshioka. From 2014 to 2021, the series was serialized in good! Afternoon magazine and collected into 16 tankbon volumes. The plot revolves around Iori Kitahara, a college student who relocates to a coastal town to attend university. He joins a diving club and gets involved in the club's activities, which frequently involve heavy drinking and comedic antics.
The series focuses on the diving club's relationships and interactions, as well as Iori's personal growth and development as a young adult. "Grand Blue" is known for its humorous depictions of college life as well as its detailed and highly realistic artwork of diving and underwater scenes. Both readers and critics praised the series, which has since been adapted into an anime television series and a live-action film.
Author: Kenji Inoue
Original run: April 7, 2014 – present
Volumes: 20
Status: Ongoing
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