Takehiko Inoue's Vagabond (Japanese: バガボンド, Hepburn: Bagabondo) is a Japanese epic martial arts manga series written and illustrated by him. Based on Eiji Yoshikawa's novel Musashi, it depicts a fictionalized account of the life of Japanese swordsman Musashi Miyamoto. Shinmen Takezou, who lives in 16th-century Japan, is a wild and violent young man in both appearance and action. His aggressive nature has earned him the scorn and fear of his fellow villagers, prompting him and his best friend, Matahachi Honiden, to flee to the outskirts in search of something greater than life. The couple eventually joins the Toyotomi Army and dreams of glory.
At the Battle of Sekigahara, Toyotomi suffers a crushing defeat at the hands of the Tokugawa clan, and his friends barely escape alive. Having separated the two, the Shinmen return home on a self-proclaimed mission to inform the Hon'iden family of Matahachi's survival. Instead, he finds himself a fugitive accused of murdering his friend based on his violent past.
Author: Takehiko Inoue
Original run: September 3, 1998 – May 21, 2015 (on hiatus)
Volumes: 37
Status: Ongoing
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