Takehiko Inoue's "Real" is a sports seinen manga series written and illustrated by him. The series debuted in 1999 in Weekly Young Jump magazine and has since been collected into 14 tankbon volumes as of July 2023. The plot revolves around three wheelchair basketball players: Tomomi Nomiya, a high school delinquent who joins the sport after a life-changing accident; Hisanobu Takahashi, a former star athlete who becomes paralyzed after a motorcycle accident; and Kiyoharu Togawa, a college student who was born with a degenerative bone disease. The series delves into their lives challenges and triumphs, as well as the impact of disability on their relationships and identities.
"Real" is known for portraying disability and sports in a realistic manner, as well as for its deep character development and emotional storytelling. The manga addresses themes such as perseverance, acceptance, and the power of teamwork, and it features a diverse cast of characters each with their own personality and background. The artwork is detailed and expressive, employing a combination of traditional and digital techniques to bring the characters and their struggles to life.
Numerous awards have been bestowed upon the manga, including the 2001 Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize and the 2002 Shogakukan Manga Award for Best General Manga. It has received positive feedback from both readers and critics and has been lauded for its impact on raising disability awareness and promoting inclusivity.
Author: Takehiko Inoue
Original run: October 28, 1999 – present
Volumes: 15
Status: Ongoing
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