White Rice
Long-grain white rice is one of the most popular and versatile types available. It is milled to remove the bran and germ, resulting in less nutritious rice but fluffier and milder rice. White rice also belongs to other whole grains, like black, red, or purple rice. This is a type of rice that has been milled with the husk, bran and germ layers removed, often polished to make the rice grain become whiter.
It is the milling and polishing process that causes a significant loss of nutrients in white rice, which include fats, mineral salts, and vitamins. So white rice is usually less nutritious than brown rice. A low-fiber diet can reduce the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, allowing the intestines and abdomen to rest. For example, women going through pregnancy can absorb large amounts of the additional folate found in white rice. Additionally, people on low-fiber diets and people with nausea or heartburn may find white rice easier to digest and doesn't cause the same uncomfortable symptoms as brown rice.