"Bloody†Mary" is a dark Boys' Love (BL) manga series written and illustrated by Akaza Samamiya. It falls within the genres of supernatural, action, and romance. "Bloody†Mary" centers around the story of a high school student named Maria Kuroshitsuji, who becomes entangled with the enigmatic vampire, Mary. Maria is plagued by a curse that causes him to attract vampires and suffer from their attacks. In a twist of fate, he accidentally awakens Mary, a powerful vampire with a mysterious past.
Together, Maria and Mary embark on a journey to find a way to break Maria's curse. Along the way, they encounter other vampires, supernatural beings, and uncover dark secrets within the vampire community. As their bond deepens, they face challenges and threats that test their trust and resolve.
The manga explores themes of identity, loyalty, and the consequences of immortality. It delves into the complexities of the vampire world and the struggles faced by its characters as they navigate their own desires and the dangers of their existence.
Author: Akaza Samamiya
Genres: Shōnen'ai, Sentimental, Fantasy
Original run: 30 March 2016 – 25 October 2017
Volumes: 10
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