"Vassalord" is a dark Boys' Love (BL) manga series created by Nanae Chrono. It combines elements of the supernatural, action, and romance genres. "Vassalord" follows the story of a vampire named Charley Chrishunds, who works as a vampire hunter for the Vatican. Charley is a centuries-old vampire with a tragic past and a complex relationship with his vampiric instincts. He is partnered with the cyborg detective, Johnny Rayflo, who also happens to be a vampire himself.
Together, Charley and Johnny embark on various missions to eliminate rogue vampires and supernatural threats while uncovering the dark secrets of Charley's past. As they navigate through dangerous encounters and supernatural battles, their relationship evolves and becomes entangled in a mix of loyalty, desire, and secrets.
The manga explores themes of redemption, immortality, and the blurred lines between good and evil. It delves into the psychological struggles of Charley as he grapples with his vampiric nature and the moral implications of his actions. The story also delves into the complex dynamics between Charley and Johnny as they navigate their partnership and the feelings that arise between them.
Author: Nanae Chrono
Genre: Action, Supernatural, BL
Original run: March 30, 2006 – March 15, 2013
Volumes: 7
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