Double Mints
"Double Mints" is a dark Boys' Love manga penned by Asumiko Nakamura that delves into psychological themes and presents a complex relationship between two main characters. The story follows the chance encounter and subsequent friendship of Asahi and Tachibana, two individuals with contrasting personalities. As their bond deepens, they unravel shared secrets and confront a dark past that connects them.
The manga explores the intricate emotional struggles of the characters, touching upon identity, trust, and the consequences of past actions. Nakamura's distinctive art style, characterized by striking visuals and atmospheric panels, intensifies the story's dark tone. "Double Mints" tackles sensitive subjects and incorporates explicit sexual scenes and themes of trauma, making it suitable for mature readers.
Overall, the manga offers a thought-provoking and visually captivating exploration of psychological depths and intricate character dynamics within the realm of Boys' Love.
Author: Nakamura, Asumiko
Genres: Yaoi, Drama
Original run: July 24, 2009
Volumes: 1
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