"Deadlock" is a dark Boys' Love (BL) manga written by Aida Saki and illustrated by Takashina Yuu. It is known for its intense storyline, complex characters, and elements of action and suspense. The story of "Deadlock" revolves around two protagonists, Gisele Lang and Dirk Muller, who find themselves entangled in a dangerous and intricate web of crime and conspiracy.
Gisele is a skilled hacker and former assassin seeking revenge against a powerful organization known as "Deadlock." Dirk is a detective with a troubled past and a strong sense of justice. Their paths cross when Gisele becomes a key figure in Dirk's investigation.
As Gisele and Dirk work together, they uncover dark secrets, face deadly adversaries, and navigate through a world where trust is scarce. The manga explores themes of betrayal, redemption, and the blurred lines between right and wrong. The relationship between Gisele and Dirk evolves throughout the series, gradually building trust and deepening their connection.
"Deadlock" features intense action sequences, psychological twists, and strategic battles as the characters navigate through a dangerous underworld. The art style of the manga captures the intensity and grittiness of the story, enhancing the overall atmosphere.
Author: Aida, Saki
Genres: Action, Drama, Mystery, Yaoi
Original runs: December 22, 2011 - August 22, 2019
Chapters: 19
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