Wild Adapter
"Wild Adapter" is a dark Boys' Love (BL) manga series written by Kazuya Minekura. Known for its gritty atmosphere and complex characters, it combines elements of crime, action, and supernatural elements. The story follows Makoto Kubota, a young man who finds himself involved in the criminal underworld after accidentally coming into possession of a mysterious drug known as "Wild Adapter." This drug grants him enhanced strength and regenerative abilities. He forms an unlikely partnership with a stoic and mysterious man named Minoru Tokito, who has his own connections to the criminal world.
As Makoto and Minoru navigate the dangerous and violent world they find themselves in, they become embroiled in various criminal activities, unraveling conspiracies and facing dangerous adversaries. The manga explores themes of power, morality, and the blurred lines between good and evil.
"Wild Adapter" is known for its dark and gritty atmosphere, portraying the seedy underbelly of society and the psychological struggles of its characters. It features intense action sequences, violence, and mature themes. While the manga contains BL elements, the focus is primarily on the crime and suspense aspects of the story.
Author: Kazuya Minekura
Genre: Action, Mystery, Film Noir
Original run: 2001 – 2015
Volumes: 7
Read here: https://www.novelcool.com/chapter/Ch-0-Extra/3343440/