Endless World
"Endless World" is a Boys' Love (BL) manga series created by Takako Shimura. It falls within the genres of romance, drama, and supernatural. "Endless World" tells the story of Kai and Hikaru, two boys who are close childhood friends. However, their lives take a dramatic turn when Kai is involved in a tragic accident and loses his memory. Unbeknownst to Hikaru, Kai possesses a unique ability—he can travel through time and space, experiencing different moments in history.
As Kai struggles to regain his memories and understand his mysterious power, Hikaru remains steadfast in his support. Their relationship deepens as they navigate the challenges presented by Kai's ability and the impact it has on their lives. The manga explores themes of love, friendship, and the complexities of identity.
While "Endless World" includes supernatural elements, the focus of the story is on the emotional journey of the characters and the development of their relationship. It delves into their personal growth, the challenges they face, and the bonds they form with others along the way.
Author: Jaryuu, Dokuro
Genres: Yaoi, Drama
Original run: 2008
Volume: 1
Read here: https://mangahub.io/chapter/endless-world/chapter-1